Reader’s Links for May 20, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

Muslims march in Germany for Caliphate, and are much more media savvy than we are

The post at RAIR Foundation gives the story on what took place in Hamburg. This is one of the videos. It strikes us that they seem much better at knowing how to handle media than we are. More to the point, we work with media bent on destroying us, to better destroy us. They do not. They treat the media with the kind of contempt that we should. Except for different reasons.

City Hall and raising the Israeli flag

Firstly, its probably a good idea to just have a municipal, provincial, and national flag at a municipal building anywhere. But every year, Ottawa City Hall decided to raise the Israeli flag on the anniversary of Israel celebrating its independence from the British Mandate. Part and parcel of the ludicrous (and intentionally damaging dialectic attack on all nations of the oxymoronic) policy of “multiculturalism” no doubt.

So Ottawa had a dilemma on its hands. Do they submit to the Islamic-Communist threats of violence and not raise the flag, or at least not hold the ceremony, or do they show some consistency and let it happen.

The videos below are the result. You can read the details of the waffling and hand wringing at RAIR Foundation on this. And should one wish to wade in on the debate of the rightness or wrongness of any of the perspectives offered, or in the case of the Islamic-Communist position, repeated and screamed ad-nauseam, “multiculturalism” is such an impossible idea that clearly it was imposed on us to fail. One can have Muslims in a country that is not Islamic. But you cannot have Islam. Islam is fashioned from the bottom up to conquer and destroy all else. Exactly like communism.

As usual, please consider clicking the little gear at the bottom right of the play window, which appears after you start playing the video, and select the highest bitrate/quality to see the details as captured. Also if it sounds like in the interview, we are shouting, we really are. I used some technical wizardry to try and take down the background roar. But the people intent on an actual genocide made damn sure they were as loud as they could be.

Some scenes from the afternoon

Trying to place the counter-narratives in perspective as an aspect of the information warfare attack on us all: Links 1 for May 19, 2024

First, sorry about no posts yesterday. Working on a lot of original material which always means just one or two posts in the future, but a ton of work at the time. Hopefully the fruits of that labour will be available soon, and some of it today.

Secondly, the information warfare, the political warfare, the attack on ourselves, our identities, our humanity is resolving itself within my understanding. It continues to be a difficult thing to grasp, not just because it is a challenge to one’s episteme to think like the enemy does enough to understand what they are doing to us, but because it is so damn depressing to know how well it works. The fact that by simply arguing back about the pure and total pseudo-realities being imposed on us, from the stolen election to ‘global-warming’ and children being ‘born into the wrong bodies’, the mere act of fighting back against these lines of action gives the narrative flesh, that is discouraging. And there will be a far, far better explanation of all that coming up this week I hope. For the moment, Stephen Coughlin argues that the narratives launched on us do not take shape, do not become real till controlled op such as FOX News, argues against them but within the acceptable limits.

And again, this will make more sense soon we hope. For now, there is a rapid-fire explanation in Coughlin’s video on Marx’s War on Women, which is a half hour and exceptionally good. But a more detailed explanation should be coming soon.

One of the concerning bits of info-warfare on us, at least to me, are the people who believe they are on our side, or know they are not, but are telling us about ludicrous amounts of deaths coming from the vaxx.

Now this site has been pretty clear on its position on the unnecessary, untested, illegal (there was effective treatments available for Covid that where known therefore experimental ones could not be approved under EUA) gene therapy shots, so alien to contemporary medicince that they literally had to go change the definition of a vaccine in the dictionary to accommodate something which neither stopped transmission or prevented infection.

This does not negate the part where people started trying to pollute the well with absurd claims, such as blue-tooth transmitters being built in the blood and more recently, all who took the shots would be dead in 3 to 5 years from some unspecified date. Either the injection date or the date the person made the claim, which was more recently.

The awful part of that is that it makes the truth, which is of gargantuan proportions already, seem trivial. Like the classic Government propaganda technique of the Trial Balloon. It goes like this: “We will raise your taxes by 35%” (sound of people screaming) “ok we will raise your taxes by 22%” (sound of people cheering) when 20% is what they wanted in the first place.

It was explained to me, that the scientist who has made the claim about the mass kill off also believes the Earth is flat. So one may wish to check her methods.

This is no way means that there is not a very, very serious problem with damages and fatalities which were caused by or facilitated by the injections in a way that the damages and deaths would not be happening if they had not been injected. John Campbell has done a good job of trying to keep track of the actual science, and even uses official government stats to do so. A method which in other areas are already de-facto illegal.

(People have been officially arrested or otherwise cancel-cultured for using government stats to show the issues with Islamic rape and crimes in the West and notably in Sweden)

This first item is from Katie Hopkins, where she just lists some of the facts experientially and statistically, with emphasis on the Lancet’s curious lies of omission. The new normal for the last 4 years.

1. Excess Deaths from 4 months ago.

John Campbell on the same issue of statistical excess deaths from 4 months ago. One small caveat. We already know for an established fact that the Lancet published a fraudulent paper on Hydroxychloroquine, and admitted they took money to do so. It was all posted on this site at the time. As mentioned above, if there was a safe and effective treatment for an emergent disease, no EMA could be issued for an experimental treatment. So at least for those aware of this fact, the Lancet should not even by used as toilet paper lest the ink give you rectal cancer.

2. John Campbell more recently on strokes from 2 days ago

3. Back to the imposed Pseudo-reality. Our communist Climate Cabinet Tzar, Steven Guillbeault learned photoshop in order to perpetuate another humiliating lie against the Canadian public. This would be a lie on top of another lie and probably the pile is deeper than that but I just don’t have the stamina to do the math on that this morning. Remember though, when Carney is PM it will get a lot worse a lot faster.

But, as said earlier in this post, it is not enough to force a lie on us. It is not enough to give the lie flesh and teeth by fighting back against the facts of the lie. It must be humiliating. Much like the Jizya in Islam, the Kufar must “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued”.

4. Laura Lynn Taylor Thompson posts a victory. I hope someone follows up on this. After a 3 hour conversation with Stephen Coughlin the other day, I think finally there is an understanding of the meaning of the word, “Aufhaben” as the dialectical engineers use it. It isn’t the literal use of the German word. It was coined by the architects of the left to mean to create and destroy at the same time, and translates into modern times and English as “Cancel Culture”. This would be the method by which so much harm has been done to those insistent on recognizing reality and saying it out loud. Everything from those who repeat the facts of George Floyd, to those who say a man cannot be a woman just by saying so.

We tend to think that the evolving ‘pride’ flag is a precursor to a communist flag. It has the same purpose anyway. To identify a location as having been captured for other than the original meaning and values of the location. While for instance, a Canadian flag at a community centre would cover everyone who goes in, a ‘pride’ flag either with or without the Canadian flag flag, means submission to a set of values distinctly not equal or Canadian in law or culture. So let’s watch this and see what happens next.

Full text:

My friend in Ontario was able to have the removal of all LGBTQ flags from any government building in her area by challenging the flag policy. Huge victory!

Please take time to cut and paste this into a letter or document that you can read at town council in your cities. Stand up and say no to all AGENDA driven flags. This is Canada. The only flags that should be flown are the Canadian flag and the Provincial flag. The city flag policy was overturned and these flags will no longer be flown because of the following common sense

“We are CANADIANS first and foremost and council has no right, nor responsibility to promote special interest groups. Council is wasting much time and money dabbling in such issues when it should be doing the business of running a municipality.

Council is attempting to hide ideological agendas that promote values not held by the majority of people of (your city here) and placate a small minority of the population.

The people of (your city) do not promote or endorse the medicalization and mutilation of children in any context and therefore specifically do not agree to the raising of the LGBTQ flag that celebrates the radical promotion of over 80 so called genders.

Gender affirmation policy for minors has been reversed in the UK, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Australia and over 20 US states. Even social transitioning is apposed in the UK. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are not a solution a the condition of the mind. In fact, they are medically and psychologically abusive.

Thousands of law-suits are being launched against doctors and clinics.
Yet you wish to celebrate such an atrocity. Shame on you. Cost to stand for truth.

You are caving to pressure and fear of a socio-political – power-force and selling out the people of (your city). How much money are you getting to do this? Who’s funding it?

Other municipalities have rejected LGBTQ promotion, then come under the extreme pressure of this special interest group. Do you have the backbone to stand up?

And, what do you mean that national or independence days will not be promoted? Is The Canadian flag not to be respected and Canada Day not proclaimed? Are you suggesting we are no longer a nation? This is absolute tyranny and corruption.

The citizens of (our city) value people – not political or ideological agendas;
We promote unity – not division and segregation
We endorse equality – not equity.”

Edit this by removing or including anything else that is relevant to your position and for your city council to consider.

When we all do our part, we create the society and culture that we believe in.

5. The official position on the Alberta fires from a dialectical engineer. And is that a piece of a cork coaster he has safety pinned to his jacket?

The thread under the tweet is what matters of course in a sense. It is the counter-narratives. The fact that it is from CTV is interesting.

All Alberta wildfires to date in 2024 believed to be human-caused: province


“We expect that almost all of the wildfires we’ve experienced so far this year are human caused, given the point we’re at in the season and the types of weather we’re seeing.”

Alberta Wildfire information officer Josee St-Onge says cool, wet weather is forecasted for many parts of the province, but it may not be enough to mitigate the fire risk.

“We need significant and continued rain to overcome the drought conditions that we are experiencing across many parts of the province,” she said.

“Snow has melted and exposed dead and dry vegetation which is extremely flammable for wildfire. Until vegetation green-up happens, wildfires will easily ignite and can spread very quickly.”

Thank you all for checking out this site.

Reader’s Links for May 19 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

Reader’s Links for May 18, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

Globe & Mail appears to attack Trudeau, but are more likely a knife edge for Mark Carney, and why hate-speech legislation always does the opposite of its stated intent: Links 1 for May 17th, 2024

1. Globe & Mail reporter works on getting Leninist, Mark Carney into power with question Trudeau haters will make go viral

As we posted yesterday, it is the Globe & Mail which is hosting the annual Century Initiative celebratory conference in June. Mark Carney is on the roster as speaker and while not listed as the keynote, he clearly is. So the Globe and Mail’s question is not to help Canadians get rid of Trudeau. It is to help a much more dangerous man become PM. Carney is Trudeau without the Clown suit. We know Carney will make things worse for Canadians. A lot worse. We know also he will do it primarily using the dialectical attack of ‘anthropogenic global warming’ from man made CO2. A dialectic sometimes altered to read: ‘Climate Change’. He is very clear on this on all the talks I have seen of his. What we don’t know, is if he will inherit the Zombie Ford.

2. What exactly is Qanon and is this an example?

Our understanding is that Qanon is the effort, probably by the counter-state operators within the FBI and CIA etc. to lead the opposition down dead ends. The way it is done is to claim that white-hat agencies or groups who have real intelligence and capabilities are about to set everything right any minute now. I have head claims as out there as that there are secret underground bases under Antartica full of operators ready to take back the West and it’s institutions from the WEF etc. somehow. (The writers of the TV series, Stargate really should sue the FBI for copyright on that one, as that was the plot that was the segue into the excellent spin off series, Stargate Atlantis)

The benchmarks for Qanon ops is usually that we are just weeks away or less. For example since 2020 I have heard that the military was riading the offices of the FBI and was going to restore Trump to the presidency and just as often, all within 2 weeks, and that Trump is really the president and secretly running things. (Let us hope unto Kali, the Hindu God of chaos this isn’t true. Imagine how much worse it would be if elected)

On top of the immediacy of the restoration, is usually the message that we, the opponents of the revolution, don’t need to do anything. It is all happening behind the scenes, it is inevitable, and nothing we or anyone can do will make a difference. The main point being, don’t do anything. Its all being done. You will be saved by the cavalry. You can go back to sleep now. Get the champagne chilled.

But like the Global Warming narratives, the predictions are never accurate, yet the narrative gains inertia anyhow.

I don’t know who this guy is. I don’t even know who General Flynn is frankly. So I will leave it to people much better informed than i am to tell us if this is an example of Qanon or not. But it would be interesting to be in a betting pool to see if any of his predictions come close to happening, or are even attempted.

3. This is an interesting thread. Click through to read the replies. It is our view that Carney is Trudeau without the clown suit.

4. Federal Court: Parents in Maryland School District Cannot Opt K-5 Children Out of LGBTQ Curriculum

A federal court on Wednesday upheld a Maryland school district policy that does not allow parents to opt their young K-5 children out of curriculum about gender identity and sexuality.

In a 2-1 panel decision released by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, federal judges affirmed a lower court decision denying the request of religious parents to block the policy issued by the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) board in March of 2023. Judge G. Steven Agee, a President George W. Bush appointee, wrote the majority opinion stating that parents did not present enough evidence to show that the policy violates the free exercise of their religion and their due process right to direct their children’s education.

This has wide reaching implications. More than implications really. I would ask that all interested please watch the talk that Canadian constitutional lawyer, John Carpay gave near Ottawa last month, but just published here las week, on bills C-63 and C-637. The second bill appears to be an attempt to criminalize religious texts that contradict government narratives on identity. Although they may phrase it differently. Christianity will be a criminal enterprise where it contradicts the state official views of groups. Islam will likely not have it applied to it or else the Koran would be nothing more than a pamphlet.

5. The following CBC story is why hate speech laws must never exist. Freedom of speech, especially when it comes to criticism of religious or political doctrine and leadership is the only weapon we have against tyranny. All attempts to limit freedom of speech to protect a vulnerable group will backfire, because power is held by the majority group, and the group most willing and able to use force in its own interests.

This man was clearly in violation of the spirit and letter of hate speech laws that already exist. But like Point de Bascule’s famous case where he tested the Quebec Human Rights Commission, they will not enforce their own laws and rules against an agent of the revolution. They will on people who oppose the revolution. People who gave small sums of money to a LEGAL PROTEST in 2022 had their bank accounts frozen. Not so to people who contribute to Hamas. A designated terrorist group. We simply cannot stress this enough. Freedom is the solution, if there is one at all.

Trudeau has now given millions to programs on Holocaust education. That’s great. I have met one of the people involved. It is 100% non-political and straight fact based. But it means nothing if the country intends to import millions of Muslims steeped in Jew hatred and make it a crime or crime-adjacent thing to point out the issues with Islam as a doctrine.

Adil Charkaoui will not be prosecuted for inciting hatred

Montrealer Adil Charkaoui, who was the subject of a complaint for threats and incitement to violence following remarks made last October, will not be prosecuted, concluded the Director of Criminal and Criminal Prosecutions (DPCP).

The committee of three criminal prosecutors that analyzed the investigation report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) determined that the available evidence did not support the indictment for public incitement to hatred against Mr. Charkawi.

An organization had filed a complaint against Adil Charkaoui last November for speeches he allegedly made on October 14 and 28, 2023 during pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Montreal.

According to a translation obtained by The Canadian Press, Mr. Charkaoui, known for his background, reportedly said : God, take care of the Zionist aggressors. God, make sure you don’t leave any.

Add to that the chants by the communist-Islamic Hamas supporters. You get the idea. We need less laws to solve problems and better people.

Thank you all for checking out this site.


Reader’s Links for May 17 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

The X Files: Islam and communists in the Netherlands

The following is a series of links to articles, tweets and videos that give a solid sense of what is taking place across the Netherlands in the past couple of weeks. There is a lot of material here, and we have not vetted it all obviously. But the source is excellent and what we did see is too important to leave in the comments.

Wilders and friends have big plans:

Hope, guts and pride: The new right-wing Dutch coalition plans
The agreement put together by the four coalition parties over the past five months covers 26 pages and contains what the new partners say is the headline strategy.
Given the title Hoop, lef en trots (hope, guts, and pride) the document is supposed to pave the way for ministers to flesh out actual policy and how the new strategy will be implemented. Nevertheless, it contains a string of detailed plans covering 10 key areas including immigration, the economy, public safety and boosting individual financial security.
“Whether we are talking about feeling secure about the future, healthcare, money in your pocket or the availability of sufficient housing, we have big ambitions,” the four parties say in the introduction. “We also want to reverse the much too high influx of refugees and immigrants. We want farmers, market gardeners and fishermen to have a future again.
Here are some of the main points:

This point is remarkably Trumpian:
“Research will start on the logistics of moving the Dutch embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem”

The university of Leiden, the Netherlands, seems to be giving in to protester’s demands:
Today, after a constructive and fruitful discussion between the rector of
and the chair of Campus The Hague with SfP and LSP, we agreed on several concrete steps the University will take regarding its ties to Israeli Universities. We will publish the details tomorrow.

The university was re-occupied because protestors feel the university’s consessions do not go far enough. Article in Dutch:
Pro-Palestijnse betogers bezetten gebouw van Universiteit Leiden in Den Haag

The same goes for the university of Ghent, Belgium. Two articles in Dutch:

Article in English, cencelling research is a bit problematic:
Horizon Europe: Can Belgian universities cancel research contracts with Israel?

This article in Dutch contains an interesting statement from an activist group in Rotterdam, the Netherlands:
In de post schuwen de organisatoren dreigende taal niet. “Ze (de bestuurders, red.) zijn terecht doodsbang. We zullen ze blijven achtervolgen tot Palestina bevrijd is.”
“We zijn niet geïnteresseerd in ‘beschaafd debat'”, schrijven ze. “Fuck jullie met je uitnodiging! We willen geen gesprek, we willen revolutie.”

translates as:
In their post, the organizers do not shy away from threatening language: “They [the board] are right to fear for their lives. We will continue to stalk them until Palestine is freed”.
“We are not interested in a civil debate. Fuck you and your invitation! We don’t want to talk, we want revolution”.

Another day, another university occupation in the Netherlands, and of course another baton session. In the city of Utrecht this time:

Police used batons on pro-Palestinian protesters at Utrecht University
Police in Utrecht used batons against pro-Palestinian demonstrators who blocked a city bus containing other protesters. The bus contained around 40 pro-Palestinian activists who occupied a building at Utrecht University (UU) earlier on Wednesday. They were removed from the building by the police on Wednesday evening.
Just after midnight, peace had returned near the university building, according to an ANP reporter.
Before using their batons, the police wanted protesters outside to move away or they would use force. When the protesters did not comply, police officers struck them with their batons.
The city bus containing the activists left. It was not clear where it went. At an earlier pro-Palestinian protest in Utrecht this month, dozens of demonstrators were taken in buses to Houten, where they were dropped off at the cell complex and then allowed to go home.
The demonstrators on the bus occupied a university building at the Janskerkhof for hours. About 150 sympathizers stood outside for a long time. Anton Pijpers, the chairman of the university’s executive board, was also on site for a short time. A university spokesperson previously said that he would like to talk to the demonstrators.
However, the demonstrators said there was no negotiating with the Executive Board. Their demands have been known for a long time, but the university is not acting on them, they argued.
All Utrecht University buildings in the city center will reopen on Thursday. Education in the occupied Janskerkhof 15a building has been moved to another location, the university said on Thursday.
The University of Amsterdam (UvA) locations will also reopen on Thursday after a two-day closure due to Gaza support protests. The Executive Board finds the risk of opening the doors again acceptable and attaches great importance to resuming education and research. The UvA does not rule out new protests and is closely monitoring developments.
While the UvA and UU locations are reopening, Erasmus University in Rotterdam (EUR) is closing for one day. All buildings on the Woudestein campus and the Erasmus University College will be closed to accommodate pro-Palestinian organizations, which announced protests there from 1:00 p.m. The EUR wants to prevent “Amsterdam scenes.”

Only video I could find of this incident:

Video from attempted occupation of the Utrecht university’s humanities library last week:

Pro-Palestine uni students caught doing Nazi salute on Zoom call

Edwin Wagensveld (Pegida netherlands) finally managed to burn a quran in Arnhem, the city where he was assaulted by a mob and later banned by the mayor:

More on the intafada in dutch academia and across europe.

Video from last week, counter-protestors attacked the camp at Roeterseiland (uni of Amsterdam), flares were brandished around and thrown. I suspect these guys were hooligans (Ajax supporters):

Protests at the university of Groningen. Scuffles, general unfriendliness:

Some staff from the uni of Amsterdam stage a walkout to protest “police violence” against “protesters” last week. No masks, names and faces visible. I suspect some were involved with those protests:

Summary of the invasion of the uni of Amsterdam. Angry protesters are angry, press is harassed, vandalism etc. Baton work at 4m26 and 7m24. Reporter kicked out by aggressive masked men with arab accents at 5m17.

Short report by local new network:

Elegant baton work:

Riot police intervenes at uni of Amsterdam (long, uneventful video, for the completist):

Vandalism at uni of Amsterdam:

Whole floor of uni of Amsterdam vandalized:

The same crap in Berlin, Germany:

Utrecht, the Netherlands and Geneva, Switzerland :

Free University of Brussels:


Rome, Paris and Istanbul

A second round of protests at dutch universities: Utrecht, Wageningen, Nijmegen, Groningen and Maastricht. Tent camps have been set up in some cities (Eindhoven, Groningen).
In Amsterdam, university buildings have been occupied again. The university has filed charges, and riot police is clearing the buildings as I write this. Liveblog here (in Dutch):

Protesters at the university of Maastricht harass journalists. Video:

This is obviously a developing story, videos to follow soon.

Hinduphobia on the rise on social media cause of guess who: Links 1 for May 16, 2024

1. Dialectical enforcement in the Oz Parliament

“Of course they have. Greens do it all the time. They do it just to be antagonistic”.

2. Rutgers researchers track a rise in Hinduphobia on social media and other messaging platforms

Members of the Network Contagion Lab at Rutgers University-New Brunswick (NC Lab), found evidence of a sharp rise and evolving patterns of hate speech directed toward the Hindu community across numerous social media platforms, according to a new report.

Anti-Hindu Disinformation: A Case Study of Hinduphobia on Social Media” details how white supremacist and 4chan genocidal Pepe memes about Hindus are being shared prolifically within extremist Islamist web networks on messaging service Telegram and elsewhere.

Researchers at the Rutgers NC Lab used artificial intelligence to better understand the development of a disguised and coded language pattern shared on social networks. According to their analysis of 1 million tweets, Iranian trolls disseminated anti-Hindu stereotypes to fuel division as part of an influence campaign to accuse Hindus of perpetrating a genocide against minorities in India.

Wow a lot to parse in this short excerpt. For the moment, It is Islamic sites that are attempting a mass propaganda campaign against Hindus. It is fuelled in part by Iran. And the claim is that they are committing genocide against a minority. A cursory look at demographics from any Muslim country can tell you where the real genocides are and have been historically, and tactically we see the exact same things being done against Israel now all over the place. Self defence from Islamic jihad and attempted genocide is itself a genocide. The left has their equivalent tactics of course. And once again we see how intersectionality works. We can also see how and why a bond has formed between the current government of India headed by Modi and the government of Israel. A look at the Pakistan ISI fuelled terror attack in Bombay some years ago where Muslim terrorists used a substantial fraction of their total resources to attack a Chabad house on the far side of the city from the main targets, also tells us a lot about the core intentions of Islam, and nation states which are based on Islam. In Pakistan, the book, ‘The Koranic Concept of War’ which is available as a download from this website, is the official Pakistani military manual. And Iran is mentioned in the article linked above. So Shiia and Sunni Islam have been using intersectionality for a very long time when it comes to destroying the West in all its attributes.

Those interested may want to read The Koranic Concept of War and read even just the first 25 pages to get a feel of how well Islamic powers understand the West. Then compare that understanding to how well your friends and colleagues understand Islam. Then examine the wave of ‘Hate speech’ laws sweeping the west and see if you feel perhaps they may interfere with the understanding of Islam as it actually is, as a doctrine, a history and core beliefs of its followers. Frankly you would have all you need to save civilization with these understandings, (communist assistance to Islamic jihad perhaps not included here.)

3. Remember the Spanish leftist politician who took videos of himself indulging in some coprophilia? A German leftist politician has now beaten him in depravity and disgusting public behaviour.

But wait, it’s worse…

A Hitler crapstache. OK then.

So what exactly is the criteria the left uses to select its political leaders?

One thing for sure though. Now that we have 2 of them, it means we really do have to add a new symbol to the Pride Flag.

Maybe this?


4. Good news and bad news for readers of this site. You may remember this story from several weeks ago when we were, nearly the first to post this item:

It is now getting a lot of traction. Which means Vlad readers get counter-narrative truth first before all sometimes. But it also means this site is so shadow-banned weeks can go by after we release a story before it gets any attention and it will be from somewhere else. Same with RAIR Foundation for that matter.

5. So this is somewhat of a surprise. What role does China play in the constant near-riotous protests across North America by the left-Islamic forces against Israel and somewhat against Jewish people themselves?

During the BLM riots across the US, boatloads of materials and cash from China destined for the rioters and organizations that coordinated the riots from China were intercepted. So maybe less of a surprise than one might first think. That was detailed at this site. But searching this site even for the operators has become difficult now. Some change in the way the search engine works has made it very difficult and nearly impossible to find older stories by searching, or other than going through every post from that approximate time period.

If there is ever just a few sentences one needs to understand, to get a solid grip on the revolution that has taken the West hostage, here are a couple of them:

“With the left, the point is never the point, the revolution is always the point”. And specifically in terms of this issue but so very many others…

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past” -George Orwell.

Thank you all for checking out this site. More to come.

CBC has launched another dialectic attack on Canadians. Remember, a dialectic attack is as true as it needs to be, because the objective is usually the effect of the information and policies, not the event itself. So sometimes the event described as the cause can be totally false like Global Warming from man mad CO2, or partly somewhat true, like Covid19 virus, or fairly true like fires. The fact that so far that most have been shown to be set by leftist activists is not mentioned till after the various objectives have been achieved. And then not very loudly lest it interfere with the objective.

Anyone in these areas, or living in any forested part of Canada, or in any area prone to flooding may be well advised to take any firearms or other materials they legally own along with any other materials like Ivermectin or gold and silver that offer them some potential independence from the state, and put them in a really safe container, and bury them somewhere well. Remember, the RCMP in High River literally looted homes for firearms using a list of owners that was actually illegal for them to possess.

The Babylon Bee once had a headline which I cannot seem to get out of my head: “FBI Discovers its harder to solve crimes they don’t actually commit”. If they did one for the RCMP it might read, “RCMP adds to its motto of ‘UPHOLD THE RIGHT” to read, ‘UPHOLD THE RIGHT OF THE STATE TO TAKE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE”.


Reader’s Links for May 16, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

Russel brand on Trudeau and thought crimes laws

Posting this to draw more attention to what we posted yesterday, Canadian constitutional lawyer, John Carpay’s talk on two authoritarian speech control laws being turned into law in Canada now.

The Hyperkinetic intro goes on till about 24 minutes before he gets to Trudeau. It is entertaining till then though. He does rather better than average impersonations.

PM of Slovakia shot in abdomen, Assassination attempt at peace advocate, King of Saudi Arabia (KSA attempt May be disinformation)

Please check RAIR Foundation later today for more details on these two important geopolitical events.

But in point form, and this is for anyone who still has any vestigial belief that there is a democratic process anywhere allowing the people to decide major descisions over their own lives and events, check these out.

First, the PM of Slovakia, Prime Minister Fico, was against mass migration, against sending money and weapons to Ukraine, and below are his views on the mRNA vaxx

“shot multiple times”

Here is some enemy propaganda against Fico as he was against the WHO Pandemic Treaty

AP News

It becomes more obvious than it already was, that they are trying to destroy Trump through Critical Theory and Discourse Theory as opposed to an outright assassination for only one reason. The 2nd Amendment. Which is a very powerful argument that all free peoples should have and exercise a 2nd amendment.


On the attempted assassination of the Saudi King, who had expressed an interest in advancing the peace deal with Israel called the Abraham Accords that President Trump miraculously managed to get agreement and consensus from both sides.


Reader’s Links for May 15th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.